HomeCBM Calculator

Cubic Meter Calculator

This CBM calculator is a simple tool for determining the area or volume of a three-sided shape in several units. You can directly use our cubic meter calculator, and you can also learn how to calculate CBM if you have dimensions of a cube. Enter the dimensions (length, width, and height) in the given input boxes in the meter.

You don’t need to click any button because our cubic calculator works in real-time to produce results. It will give you the visual representation for the given dimensions, and it provides the area in several units such as cm, feet, inches, and yards. We have made it simple to calculate the CBM for any standard shapes by offering the simplest interface to our users.

What is CBM?

CBM refers to cubic meters. It is a metric volume unit that represents the scale of the consignment. A cubic meter is an area of 1 m on one side or the same sides of a cube. A 2 m wide, 1 m broad, and 2 m high rectangular box would have 4 m3 (2 × 1 × 2) in volume.

The cubic meter is also referred to as the stere, but this is largely an ancient term that cannot be accepted alone in the SI system. It is still used in the timber industry for pile calculation of cut wood.

Use the following calculation if you would like to recalculate it to imperial units:

1 CBM = 1 m³ = 35.3147 cu ft

Volume (Cubic Meter): 0 m3